You can redirect your tax dollars to support affordable housing for others. Because Verde Valley Habitat for Humanity is a Qualified Charitable Organization, donations are eligible for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit of up to $400 for single and $800 for joint filers for the year 2023.
The maximum credit donation amount for 2024:
$470 single, married filing separate or head of household; $938 married filing joint.
The maximum credit donation amount for 2025:
$495 single, married filing separate or head of household; $987 married filing joint.
Tax Credit for Contributions to Qualifying Charitable Organizations Info:
What is The Arizona Tax Credit?
A nonrefundable individual/joint tax credit for voluntary cash contributions to a qualifying charitable organization (QCO)
Do I have to itemize to claim Charitable Tax Credits?
No, you do not have to itemize deductions to claim a credit for contributions.
Can I take the Earned Income Tax Credit if I take the School Tax Credit?
Yes, they are separate credits and you are allowed to take advantage of both.
How do I know Habitat qualifies for the credit under this program?
Qualifying organizations are required to send the Department of Revenue a self-certification letter stating that they meet all qualifying criteria. The Department in turn publishes a list of self-certified organizations. You can request a list from Department of Revenue in Phoenix at 602.255.3381 or you can go to the Arizona Department of Revenue website at
Note: Habitat is not a tax advisor. Contact a qualified tax advisor for advice on your taxes.
Shondra Ryan and her daughter with two other children live in Sedona. Their Habitat home provides a safe and secure place to live where the entire family is thriving. They no longer have to move each year living in rentals that are unsafe. Her oldest son is looking forward to attending college next year, a dream they never thought would be fulfilled.
737 Main St.
Cottonwood, AZ 86326
Administrative Offices:
928 852-7661
928 649-6788
We Do Business in Accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law (The Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988)
Verde Valley Habitat for Humanity will not proselytize, nor will Verde Valley Habitat for Humanity work with entities or individuals who insist on proselytizing as part of their work with our affiliate. This means that Verde Valley Habitat for Humanity will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must (i) adhere to or convert to a particular faith or (ii) listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.
Tax Exempt EIN Number 86-0754480 | State Of AZ Tax Credit #20370